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A Journey into Traditional Singapore Coffee: Kopi Culture Unveiled

Singapore's rich tapestry of culinary delights includes a beloved beverage that is deeply rooted in its history and culture: traditional kopi. This unique coffee experience, found in bustling kopitiams (coffee shops) across the city, offers a taste of Singapore's heritage. Let's dive into the world of traditional Singapore coffee and explore some of the best spots to savour this iconic drink.

What Makes Traditional Kopi Unique?

Traditional Singapore coffee, or kopi, is distinct from Western-style coffee. It starts with Robusta beans, which are roasted with sugar and margarine, giving the coffee its signature caramelized flavour and robust body. The coffee is then brewed using a sock-like strainer, resulting in a rich and strong brew. Kopi is typically served with condensed milk or evaporated milk and sugar, but there are various ways to enjoy it, depending on your preference.

Kopi Terminology: A Quick Guide

  • Kopi: Coffee with condensed milk and sugar

  • Kopi-O: Black coffee with sugar

  • Kopi-C: Coffee with evaporated milk and sugar

  • Kopi Kosong: Black coffee without sugar

  • Kopi Peng: Iced coffee with condensed milk and sugar

  • Kopi-O Peng: Iced black coffee with sugar

  • Kopi-C Peng: Iced coffee with evaporated milk and sugar

  • Kopi Kosong Peng: Iced black coffee without sugar

  • Kopi Siew Dai: Coffee with condensed milk and less sugar

  • Kopi-O Siew Dai: Black coffee with less sugar

  • Kopi-C Siew Dai: Coffee with evaporated milk and less sugar

  • Kopi Kosong Siew Dai: Black coffee with very little sugar

  • Kopi Gao: Strong coffee with condensed milk and sugar

  • Kopi-O Gao: Strong black coffee with sugar

  • Kopi-C Gao: Strong coffee with evaporated milk and sugar

  • Kopi Kosong Gao: Strong black coffee without sugar

  • Kopi Po: Diluted coffee with condensed milk and sugar

  • Kopi-O Po: Diluted black coffee with sugar

  • Kopi-C Po: Diluted coffee with evaporated milk and sugar

  • Kopi Kosong Po: Diluted black coffee without sugar

  • Kopi Gu You: Coffee with condensed milk, sugar, and a pat of butter

  • Kopi-C Gu You: Coffee with evaporated milk, sugar, and a pat of butter

  • Kopi-O Kosong: Black coffee without milk or sugar

  • Kopi-O Kosong Peng: Iced black coffee without milk or sugar

  • Kopi-O Kosong Gao: Strong black coffee without milk or sugar


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